Questions About the GOC to Metropolitan Demetrius - The Light of ROCOR

His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius continues to answer questions regarding the GOC and the confessing Church of Christ. he stresses that our canonicity comes from the light which shown forth with particular radiance, that is, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).

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Questions About the GOC to Metropolitan Demetrius View the first video in this series where His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius answers questions concerning the canonicity of the GOC, Old-Calendarists, Traditionalist Orthodox, and the True Orthodox Church.

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Orthodox Awareness

Ecumenical Dialogues Intensified

At the beginning of September (n.s.) Bartholomew called together a “Synaxis of the Patriarchates and the Autocephalous Church of Cyprus" at the Phanar in order to coordinate their efforts for the First Ecumenistic Council which they plan to convene shortly. At it, they will most certainly have to deal with a conflict with the Patriarchate of Moscow concerning primacy, but also they will proclaim the heresy of Ecumenism with an alleged synodal decision of Ecumenical (or rather Ecumenistic) force. Read more...


Saint John of Kronstadt - Bunnell, Florida

St. John of Kronstadt Orthodox Church began as a mission parish in the year 2000, in a home chapel in Palm Coast, FL – a small town on Florida’s northeast coast located between St. Augustine and Daytona Beach. After two years, it became necessary to have services in area community centers, rented for Sundays and other Holy Days. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Two-Headed Snake Cane?

Q. Can you tell me what the two-headed snake cane the Greek Bishop is walking with represents? What does it mean?