Feast of All Saints Parish in Independence, Ohio 2017

On the First Sunday after Pentecost (May 29th/June 11th) - the Feast of All-Saints who have shone forth throughout all the world, His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius, visited All-Saints Parish in Independence, Ohio, where he celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Serving with His Eminence were Presbyter Sergius Boulter, and Fr. Deacon Peter Bushunow.

All-Saints Parish Presbyter Sergius, was blessed to also have members of the Ascension Parish in Rochester, and the Holy Unmercenaries Parish in Alsip Illinois, make the trip to help with the Liturgy and the Choir. From Rochester, Fr. Deacon Peter, Sub-Deacon Paul, and his daughter Maria, along with Alexei and Symeon Bushunow, helped out with serving the Liturgy and singing, as did Kristina Von Hahnke from Holy Unmercenaries Parish. Also attending were Mother Agapia from the ROCOR-A convent of St Nicholas, and her close friend Deborah, who helped with the singing.

We were blessed to have Metropolitan serve the Liturgy with us, and provide an edifying sermon about the many unknown saints that we all come in contact with in our daily spiritual lives, but will only fully recognize as such when the Lord reveals them to us at His Holy and just Last Judgment.

After the Liturgy we all enjoyed a festive Agape meal in the Trapeza, after which we obtained the Metropolitan's blessing and departed home with the peace and joy of the Holy Eucharist in our souls. Many, many years to our beloved Metropolitan, and peace and God's blessing on our Holy Synod!


Orthodox Awareness

A Brief History

In the early 20th century, the idea of promoting the union of Churches (Orthodox and heterodox) began to gain ground among circles in the Eastern Orthodox Church by establishing a "Communion of Churches" modeled on the League of Nations.

The Patriarchal Encyclical of 1920 foresaw a series of steps toward the “union of the Churches,” of which the first was the change of the calendar for the simultaneous celebration of feast days by all the “Churches.” The content of the encyclical was kept secret from the faithful and only after a few years became known. Read more...


Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest


Q. There seems to be a lot of variation in how people observe fasting, but my confessor told me to fast from oil on Wednesday and Friday. Oil is a pretty vague category, though, and I was wondering if I could get a more explicit description of what kinds of food and drink are excluded on strict fast days. Read more...