Visit of Metropolitan Demetrius to Guatemala, February 2016

His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius, traveled to Guatemala to celebrate the feast days of St Xenia of Saint Petersburg, and Saint Ignatius the God-bearer.

His Eminence celebrated the customary all-night vigil at the Church of Saint Xenia of Saint Petersburg on February 5, serving into the early hours of February 6.

Afterwards, preparations were made at the hermitage of Saint Ignatius the God-bearer with the help of the local inhabitants of Santa Cruz, Neranja, around a two hour distance from Guatemala City. The hermitage is situated in a beautiful isolated area, with a magnificent view. The area is very safe and the local inhabitants, although quite poor, are very protective of the hermitage. Over 70 faithful and catechumens attended the Holy Services at an outdoor liturgy served by His Eminence and Deacon Cyrilo Mendoza, in Spanish.

His Eminence has assigned Priestmonk Maximos, who is fluent in Spanish, to help overlook the Latin American missions. Priestmonk Maximos will have catechism classes on a regular basis. We ask the faithful to pray for our faithful in Guatemala.


Orthodox Awareness

Why the True Orthodox Are Truly Orthodox

A Rejoinder to Fr. Basil Gregoriates and an Apology for Breaking Communion with Ecumenist Bishops

In every age the devil tempts the faithful by various means: persecutions, foreign invasions, the lure of worldly seduction. Among his most effective snares are heresy and schism which, by separating Christians from the Church, lead them away from Christ and into spiritual deception and apostasy. Read more...


Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Jonesboro, Arkansas

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2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Civil Annulment's Effect on Church Marriage?

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