Visit of Bishop Demetrius to Michigan

With the blessings of His Eminence, Metropolitan Pavlos of America, His Grace Bishop Demetrius of Boston, accompanied by Archdeacon Agathangelus visited the parishes of the Genuine Orthodox Christians in Michigan.

On Saturday Dec. 9/22, 2012 Bishop Demetrius presided over Vespers in the parish of Sts. Nectarios & George in Ecorse MI together with Fr. Longinos Kakavros, rector of the parish, and Fr. George Giannios. The next day, Sunday Dec. 10/23 he celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Sts. Nectarios & George together the above mentioned clergy. On Monday Dec 11/24 he presided over Vespers in the parish of St. Spyridon in Saint Claire Shores MI which also celebrated its Feast Day. The next day, Tuesday Dec 12/25, he celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the same parish upon the memory of our father among the saints, Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythus, the wonderworker. Concelebrating together with His Grace were Fr. Steven Allen, rector of the parish, and the above mentioned clergy.

After Liturgy in each church, the parish offered a trapeza for the visiting clergy and the parishioners. Many faithful attended all the services. His Grace visited with the faithful who were spiritually strengthened by the presence of an Orthodox hierarch.

Orthodox Awareness

The Calendar Question

A Classic Defense of the Old Calendar, proving it is part of the Tradition of the Church. Read more...


Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Is the GOC Insular?

Q. In considering becoming part of the GOC in America, I am getting warnings from various circles that the attitude of GOC people is that of being “walled off,” “arrogant,” “judgmental,” and “in your face” toward those not in the Genuine Orthodox Church, with accusations such as “World Orthodox” priests are “not even Christians” and the like. Could you give me your personal, realistic assessment of this dynamic and possibly refer me to an official statement on how GOC members should and do relate to and communicate with those in “World Orthodoxy”? Read more...