The Last Days upon the Earth of His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Athens

Ten days before his repose, His Beatitude the Archbishop asked a relative of his, Demetrios Grammatikos, to bring him by car to his village (Erythrai of Megara) as he said characteristically; “so that I can see it for the last time”. He went, and as he wandered around the streets of the village, he met some of his relatives.

Tuesday September 1/14, 2010

He went to the monastery of St Meletios as he has does every year, since it was the feast of the saint according to the patristic calendar. While returning to his monastery of the Most-Immaculate Virgin in Megara he visited the monastery of the Theotokos “Quick to Hear” in Oinoe.

The same day he was diagnosed with heart trouble by his cardiologist.

Wednesday September 2/15, 2010

Accompanied by Fr. Cyril and a nun, he traveled to a coastal region of Megara where they planned to baptize a woman catechumen; so that they could see if the place was appropriate. Returning to the monastery he said, “My children, my strength is failing me and my end is near. Glory be to God, I lived many years. The only thing I ask is that I have a good end and that God grant me a good defense before His terrible judgment seat.”

Back at the monastery he said the following which was recorded by a nun:

“My children, you must have fortitude. Whatever happens in your lives, you should confront it with fortitude. Even in the way you handle my situation you must show fortitude, if you believe that we will meet again.

God will see your fortitude and will grant you paradise.

I sit and think how all the saints had a martyric death. The crown of sanctity, the Great Forerunner, how his holy head was cut off by an adulteress. But what can I say? Since God permitted His beloved, only-begotten Son to be crucified; what can we say?”

Thursday September 3/16, 2010

He went to the baptism of the catechumen at the coastal region of Megara which they had chosen the previous day. He did not take part in the baptism but he went in order to witness this joyous event and it was there that he felt his health diminish greatly. When he returned to the monastery he gave directions on the preparations for the upcoming feast of the monastery; the Nativity of the Theotokos, and said:

“Don’t put many little flags, just the three big ones. Don’t make a meal and other preparations.”

The nuns said “But we have prepared everything already, Geronda.”

“Oh well…” he answered.

He called the Secretary of the Holy Synod; Bishop Photios of Marathon, on the telephone and told him: “My child, inform the Bishops that the Synod will take place in the Synodal offices (in Athens) and not here (in the monastery of the Most-Immaculate Virgin in Megara; a regular Synod meeting had been scheduled for Thursday September 10/23). I won’t be able to be there, I am very weak.”

Friday September 4/17, 2010

After examining him, his cardiologist informed the sisterhood of the monastery that the Archbishop was not well. He then asked them “Do you want us to take him to the hospital or leave him here at the monastery? In any event, the hospital will not offer him anything more than what is here.”

A baker named Prokopios told the Archbishop in a telephone conversation “Your Beatitude, I will not be able to bring the breads and the sweets for the feast day on Monday afternoon; I’ll bring them Sunday afternoon.” The Archbishop answered him, “When you come, will I be here?”

Again he said to one Constantine Maziotes; a friend of the monastery: “Constantine, don’t put many little flags, just the three big ones, I’m going to die.”

Saturday September 5/18, 2010 (the eve of his repose)

In the morning he attended the Divine Liturgy at the monastery and received the Immaculate Mysteries.

He told Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Attica and Boitia and Bishop Photios of Marathon, who had come to visit him that evening, “You will have to preside over the monastery’s feast by yourselves. If I’m here (meaning in his cell), I will hear you.”

Sunday September 6/19, 2010

He couldn’t get up out of bed. He heard the service through the speakers which are throughout the monastery.

After the psalter readings of matins, one of the sisters went and asked him, “How are you, Geronda?”

He answered, “I’m having a little difficulty breathing.”

He held an icon of the Theotokos to his chest and continually prayed. Crying, the nun asked the doctor to come. Before the doctor came he asked for the icon of Christ from the neighboring chapel of the Angels, which they brought to him. He kissed it, prayed and told them to bring it back to the chapel. He continued to pray and after a short while he again asked them to bring him the same icon. Again he kissed it and prayed and told them to place the icon next to him.

It was the first time that he did not stand up for the Gospel reading and the Cherubic Hymn during the liturgy. The cardiologist came shortly before the end of the Divine Liturgy and she tried to help him. It so happened that there where three other doctors next to him who were at the monastery and who insisted that they take him to the hospital. Then his breathing became heavy. The nuns, who in the mean time had gathered around him, when they saw that he was having difficulty breathing, went into the chapel to chant the Supplicatory Canon to the Theotokos “Quick to Hear” and as they did, his difficulty breathing stopped immediately. Since the doctors were insisting on taking him to the hospital, one nun asked him, “Geronda, the doctors are insisting that we go to the hospital.” And his answer was, “no.” In the past he had never refused to be taken to the hospital when there was need.

All of the nuns of the monastery were kneeling around him. The Archbishop was praying with his hands crossed over his chest and holding the icon of the Theotokos. He started to say the 50th Psalm “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy…” but after the first two verses he could not continue so he asked one nun to continue while at the same time he told one nun to say the prayer “Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on Thy servant.” After a short while he took three small breaths, closed his eyes and gave his soul into the hands of the living God.

This is the righteous end of His Beatitude, Archbishop Chrysostomos II. It was 1:30 p.m. on September 6/19, 2010, exactly 55 years after the repose of his blessed predecessor Chrysostomos I who reposed on the night between September 6th & 7th, 1955. Both of their funeral services were held on the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos; which feast His Beatitude loved very much and dedicated the monastery which he founded in its honor.

He always used to say: “Four things I want our Lord: That I may end this life upright, that God may allow me to keep my wits, that I have my voice until the end so that I may I may continue to hymn Him and that I not bury one of my spiritual children.” God—finally—fulfilled these four wishes of his. During the last liturgy which he presided over on the feast of St. John Chrysostomos in 2009 in the monastery of the Most-Immaculate Virgin in Megara, among the last words of his homily were: “May the grace of God deem us worthy of a good end. Beloved, this is my greatest wish: A GOOD END.” Truly, God deemed him worthy of a good end.

May his prayers be with us.

Translated from the Greek

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