Despina Avgoustis Named National Director of Education

The Holy Metropolis of the
Genuine Greek Orthodox Church of America
2268 26 Street
Astoria, NY 11105

After interviewing all the applicants, and after much consultation and deliberation, Geronda has decided on blessing Despina Avgoustis as National Director of Education for the Holy Metropolis of America. There were many qualified applicants, but only one could be chosen to coordinate so many talented people. We thank all those who submitted their applications, and ask them to continue being our co-workers in the fields of the Lord.

Despina Avgoustis hails from the state of Michigan. She attends the Parish of Sts. Nectarios & George there in Ecorse. Some of you may already know her as she is the Director of the National Metropolis Youth Association. Despina is nearing the completion of her studies in Education at Wayne State University in Detroit.

Despina will need all of our prayers. She has a humongous task ahead of her. She will need the help and cooperation of every person of our Holy Metropolis.

If you would like to offer her your congratulations and/or your time, advice or ideas, please contact her at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

May God give her strength!

Christ be with you,

Orthodox Awareness

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2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Morning and Evening Prayers

Q. Are the prayers in the blue prayer book [A Prayerbook for Orthodox Christians by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery —ed.] compulsory for everyone? I mean their morning prayers and the service of Small Compline. My confessor gave me a special rule but wasn’t clear about whether this replaced the book prayers or was in addition to them. Read more...