The Sixth Meeting with Those in Resistance

The Dialogue between the Church of the G.O.C. of Greece and the Orthodox Ecclesiastical Community of Those in Resistance

Sixth Joint Statement

On Friday July 13/26, 2013 at 5 p.m. in the hall of the church of St. Spyridon in Galatsion, Athens the sixth meeting occurred of the committees for dialogue between the Church of the G.O.C. of Greece and the Orthodox Community of Those in Resistance.

All of the designated members of both committees were present, except Presbyter George Gias, who was unable to attend.

During the course of this meeting, firstly discussion was completed on the Chronicle of which a draft was made at the previous meeting, which includes the more important steps taken in the path of the heresy of Ecumenism, and a number of documents were submitted to the Secretariat in order to document the Chronicle which bears the characteristic title: “The Prehistory, Birth and Evolution of Ecumenism.”

In continuation, the practice of ecumenism was discussed in the following terms: a) canonical b) iconographic c) patristic

Finally, the Chronicle was discussed which concerns the beginning and the evolution the reaction of the Orthodox to the declining path of Ecumenism.

The texts which were discussed shall be composed in cooperation with the Joint-Secretariat before they are finalized.

The meeting took four hours was conducted in a spirit of mutual respect, love in Christ and cooperation. The next joint meeting will take place on Friday August 24/September 6, 2013 in the Holy Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina in Phylē, Attica.

From the Joint Secretariat of the Committees for Dialogue.

Galatsion - Phylē

July 14/27, 2013

Translated from the Greek

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